An instance of this class is used for invoking the instrumentation hooks on addons.

The instrumentation types currently supported are:

  • init
  • build
  • command
  • shutdown

Method Summary

Public Methods
findLCAHost(engineInstance): EngineAddon | EmberApp

This returns the LCA host for a given engine; we use the associated package info to compute this (see getHostAddonInfo above); this finds the lowest common ancestor that is considered a host amongst all engines by the same name in the project. This function is intended to replace the original behavior in ember-engines.

getHostAddonInfo(packageInfoForLazyEngine): hostPackageInfo: PackageInfo, hostAndAncestorBundledPackageInfos: Set

This function intends to return a common host for a bundle host (lazy engine). The root package info should be the starting point (i.e., the project's package info). We do this by performing a breadth-first traversal until we find the intended lazy engine (represented as a package-info & the 1st argument passed to this function). As part of the traversal, we keep track of all paths to said engine; then, once we find the intended engine we use this to determine the nearest common host amongst all shortest paths.

instantiateAddons(parent, project, a)

Create instances of a set of "child" addons for a parent addon or project.

Private Methods
_findNearestBundleHost(paths): PackageInfo, PackageInfo[]

Given a path (calculated as part of getHostAddonInfo), return the correct "bundle host". A bundle host is considered the project or lazy engine.

_getBundledPackageInfos(pkgInfoToStartAt): Set

Returns a Set of package-info objects that a given bundle host is directly responsible for bundling (i.e., it excludes other bundle hosts/lazy engines when it encounters these)

Public Methods


public findLCAHost(engineInstance): EngineAddon | EmberApp

This returns the LCA host for a given engine; we use the associated package info to compute this (see getHostAddonInfo above); this finds the lowest common ancestor that is considered a host amongst all engines by the same name in the project. This function is intended to replace the original behavior in ember-engines.

For more info, see the original implementation here:


Name Type Attribute Description
engineInstance EngineAddon


EngineAddon | EmberApp

public getHostAddonInfo(packageInfoForLazyEngine): hostPackageInfo: PackageInfo, hostAndAncestorBundledPackageInfos: Set

This function intends to return a common host for a bundle host (lazy engine). The root package info should be the starting point (i.e., the project's package info). We do this by performing a breadth-first traversal until we find the intended lazy engine (represented as a package-info & the 1st argument passed to this function). As part of the traversal, we keep track of all paths to said engine; then, once we find the intended engine we use this to determine the nearest common host amongst all shortest paths.

Some context:

For a given engine/bundle host, this finds the lowest common ancestor that is considered a host amongst all engines by the same name in the project.

For example, given the following package structure:

  /      \
 /        \

Lazy Engine A
Addon A | | Lazy Engine B /
Lazy Engine A Lazy Engine C

  • The LCA host for Lazy Engine A is the project
  • The LCA host for Lazy Engine B is the project
  • The LCA host for Lazy Engine C is Lazy Engine B

This also returns hostAndAncestorBundledPackageInfos, which are all bundled addons above a given host:

  • hostAndAncestorBundledPackageInfos for lazy engine A includes all non-lazy dependencies of its LCA host & above (in this case, just the project)
  • hostAndAncestorBundledPackageInfos for lazy engine B includes all non-lazy dependencies of its LCA host & above (in this case, just the project)
  • hostAndAncestorBundledPackageInfos for lazy engine C includes non-lazy deps of lazy engine B & non-lazy deps of the project (LCA host & above)

This is intended to mimic the behavior of ancestorHostAddons in ember-engines:

Unfortunately, we can't easily repurpose the logic in ember-engines since the algorithm has to be different; in ember-engines we need access to the actual addon instance, however, this is intended to be used during addon instantiation, so we only have access to package-info objects. In having said this, we can repurpose the hostPackageInfo to determine the LCA host; see below findLCAHost.


Name Type Attribute Description
packageInfoForLazyEngine PackageInfo


hostPackageInfo: PackageInfo, hostAndAncestorBundledPackageInfos: Set



public instantiateAddons(parent, project, a)

Create instances of a set of "child" addons for a parent addon or project.


Name Type Attribute Description
parent Object

an Addon or Project that is the direct containing object of the list of children defined in addonPackages.

project Project

the project that contains the parent (so either the addon's project if parent is an addon, or the project itself if it is a project). It is possible when constructing custom addon instances that the project will actually be undefined--various addon tests do this, for example.

a Object

map of addon name (including scope) to an AddonInfo with the name, path and 'pkg' object for that addon's package.json). These are what is turned into addons.

Private Methods


private _findNearestBundleHost(paths): PackageInfo, PackageInfo[]

Given a path (calculated as part of getHostAddonInfo), return the correct "bundle host". A bundle host is considered the project or lazy engine.

For example, given the following package structure:

  /      \
 /        \

Lazy Engine A
Addon A | | Lazy Engine B /
Lazy Engine A Lazy Engine C

The provided paths for lazy engine A would look like:

  • [Project]
  • [Project, Addon A, Lazy Engine B]

For this project structure, this function would return [Project, [Project]]

Similarly, given the following project structure:

        /      \
       /        \
Lazy Engine A    \
     /        Lazy Engine B
    /               |
   /                |

Lazy Engine C Lazy Engine C

The provided paths for lazy engine C would look like:

  • [Project, Lazy Engine A]
  • [Project, Lazy Engine B]

In this case, the host is the project and would also return [Project, [Project]]


Name Type Attribute Description
paths Array

The found paths to a given bundle host


PackageInfo, PackageInfo[]

private _getBundledPackageInfos(pkgInfoToStartAt): Set

Returns a Set of package-info objects that a given bundle host is directly responsible for bundling (i.e., it excludes other bundle hosts/lazy engines when it encounters these)


Name Type Attribute Description
pkgInfoToStartAt PackageInfo

